Tuesday, February 25, 2020

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

History - Assignment Example Joel Kotkin insisted that cities developed sacred functions as a very deep sign that they represented divine power. This enabled the cities to civilise and develop as much as they could. He gave examples of sacred cities which included Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and China. Commercial cities included Detroit, shanghai and Carthage. Secure cities can be identified by their overall success currently and they include the cities of London and the United States (Tosh, p 33). Lewis Mumford noted that cities contributed significantly to human civilization. This was by providing the podium that would ensure that the architectural designs that made up cities were a greater representation of what human civilization was all about. He goes ahead to note that the creation of these cities presented a myriad of social problems that continued to threaten the human civilization process. He constantly hoped that over the years the cities would represent the uniqueness of each design and show the deep rooted spiritual values that were practised by the community or society (Tosh, p 19). In the ancient world, cities were places for trade, worship and industrial activities. They developed as a result of the very many needs and expectations that the communities had. They had the overall aim of strengthening these wants and needs. These functions are very similar because modern day cities are also created with the sole aim of meeting specific needs in society. It was therefore very necessary to have specific resources in the form of construction materials, funds and manpower to construct these cities. This had to be coupled with powerful policies that would ensure their overall maintenance from time to time. Hammurabi ensured that he created very simple laws and policies that were to be used to create an orderly atmosphere in urban cities (Tosh, p 43). Romans introduced very many architectural features in their constructions. This included the use of the most modern

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Middle Class Societies Of America And England Essay

Middle Class Societies Of America And England - Essay Example Therefore Roosevelt became the first president to support the labor and assigned the government a direct role and duty to all the people. The new women's colleges were opened and there the female reformers were educated. These females who were white middle class young women handled the "problem " of Immigrant, who constituted "dark skinned" Italians, peasant Jews and immigrants from southeastern Europe. The middle class women were barred to possess the professional educational qualifications pursue Consumer's League, and "Americanizing" centers known as settlement houses. These organizations targeted to wipe off the corruption and vice bred by the men their career. So, the women formed into groups and had built themselves as associations to take active part in the public life. Some of the associations are Women's Trade Union League, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and the National. The women succeeded in their campaign to get the right to vote. But their battle of suffrage lasted for as long as from 1848 to 1920, in the year 1920 nineteenth amendment granted 26 million women, half of the nations population, the right to vote. The Fourteenth Amendment sanctioned the citizenship to the blacks. The Civil Rights Law of the 1960s was stepping stone for those who fought for America's promise of equal rights for all. The movement of women, for suffrage began at Seneca Falls. The American Society challenged severely the efforts of women that they cannot cross the threshold of men. But as the situation prolonged, the women got educated, and their movement turned out to be a respectable one. By 1910, the movement developed into a mass movement. In England too it was the same condition, the women were aggressive to sweep out their miseries and were carrying their movement for fundamental rights. In both the nations, by 1919, the Amendment Act was passed for women granting their right to vote. Detroit, the city was known as the "arsenal of Democracy" during the Second World War. The city of Detroit required a large number of labor who came from Africa. They were not given accommodation and like this the riots erupted which turned to be the bloodiest in the history of he nation. This racial conflict has begun very long past in 1863 and lasted till 1941. The racial riots have a long history in Detroit. There were about 200,000 black labors, constricted to sixty square blocks and compelled to live under dreadful sanitary conditions. Awfully the place was named as Paradise Valley while it was a hell for the inhabitants. There was an integrated amusement park. It was known as Belle Isle. This was the place where the Detroit riots began at this particular spot. The rumors still aggravated the situation and mainly because of the police sergeant spread some rumors regarding a women and her baby over the Belle Isle bridge, the black retaliated, looted, destroyed white owned stores, white skinned people were attacked without discrimination. Similar way white also retaliated in the same way. The situation continued without any holds, Detroit became practically a hellhole until Mayor Edward J. Jeffries called more than six thousand federal army troops was stationed throughout the Detroit city. Practically Detroit city was shutdown, streets deserted, schools deserted, no